Decotex AD-Sliven convenes General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on 15 May 2007 to vote changes in the company’s statutes related to authorizing the Board of Directors to raise the company’s capital and issue bonds, BSE announced.

The new paragraphs in the statutes allow the board to raise the company’s capital with a nominal value of the increase up to 4 mln leva through the issuance of new shares. The company will also be able to issue bonds with a total nominal value of the bond loan of up to 20 mln leva.

The meeting will also vote a decision to allocate Decotex’s 2006 financial result. Part of the profit (150,416.10 leva) is planned to be allocated for dividends (0.01 leva per share). Last year Decotex earned 1,876,885.34 leva. The company also has 17,599.68 leva of undistributed profit from previous years.

In case there is not enough attendance on the shareholder’s part, the meeting will be held on 30 May 2007, 11:00 AM, same place, same agenda.
The last date for transacting shares of this company on the BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the holder will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, is 25 April 2007.

Decotex has a capital stock of 15.04 mln leva and is majority owned by Kappa Technology AD which controls 91.94% of its capital.

A total of 6,155 Decotex shares were traded today at an average level of 3.09 leva per share.