The clients of IP Karol made a total of 10 388 deals in March , BSE’s monthly bulletin reported.

Second in these terms is Elana Trading and Bench Mark Finance is third with 3975 and 3757 deals respectively.

South Market and Bulgarian Post Bank are also in the Top 5 with 3197 and 2849 transactions for this period.

Bulbrokers AD leads the turnover chart with deals of a total value of BGN 148.206 mln, followed by CB HVB Biochim and Beta Corp with a turnover of BGN 100.695 mln and BGN 63.4 mln.

The clients of PFBK Ltd and Eurofinance traded sequrities for a total of BGN 57.934 mln and BGN 46.467 mln. respectively. In the 22 trading sessions in March a total of 29 890 deals were made amounting to BGN 333.882 mln in value.