Chimimport Petrol AD is planning to make a tender offer to the rest of the shareholders in Electrometal AD Pazardjik at BGN 18.95, BSE-Sofia announced.

Chimimport Petrol AD owns (directly or through related parties) 26 930 shares or 83.356 % of the capital of the company.

The subject of the tender offer are 5 377 shares and the Financial Supervision Commission has not reacted yet.

In mid-March Chimimport Petrol AD acquired 83.36 % of the capital of Electrometal in block transactions. The price per share was again BGN 18.95 and the total value of both deals was BGN 509 000.

Chimimport Petrol AD is owned by Sparg Ltd (34 % of the capital) and Mustang-Holding and Chimimport (33%).

Electrometal AD Pazardjik’s capital amounts to BGN 64 614 allocated in 32 307 shares of BGN 2.00 nominal value. For 2006 the company reported a net profit of BGN 37 000 against a loss of BGN 1.000 for 2005.

The company’s shares were last traded on 24 November 2006 at BGN 3.65.