Between 2004 and 2006 Neochim AD-Dimitrovgrad invested a total of 28.633 mln leva, the company’s registration document shows.

Last year alone Neochim AD invested a total of 9.738 mln leva in machinery and equipment, transport vehicles and acquisition of long-term tangible assets.

Revenues reached 177.4 mln leva (down 8.88 mln leva from 2005). 166.079 mln leva or 93.62% of last year’s revenues came from sale of production.

The share of the domestic market in Neochim’s revenues structure grew last year at the expense of the reducing share of exports, which shrank 13.52% against 2005.

The following products occupied the biggest share in Neochim sales revenues: ammonium nitrate - EU fertilizer - 73.97%, ammonia cisterns - 11.89%, ureaformaldehyde resin - 7.59%, and carbon dioxide - 2.19%.

Domestic sales revenues grew by 19.39% compared with 2005, while international sales decreased by 28.27 mln leva.

Neochim expects revenues of 180.830 mln leva in 2007 amid 10% increase of domestic prices due to higher natural gas prices.

Neochim posted a 3.577 mln leva net profit in 2006 against 13.46 mln leva the previous year. Its core capital is in the amount of 2.654 mln leva, while its own capital stands at 76.816 mln leva.

Euro Fert AD holds 49.17% of Neochim’s capital, while Karifert International, Lebanon controls 17.16% of its stock. Agrofer International Establishment, Lichtenstein, and Albena Invest Holding own 7.68% and 6.38% of Neochim’s capital respectively.