Traditionally in the beginning of the week we asked three market players to share their expectations about the coming four workdays. Here’s what they said:

Georgi Biserinski, Portfolio Manager, KD Securities

”I expect a quiet week on the market after the Easter holidays. The main market risk I see at the moment is sell-offs on some positions aimed at supplying fresh money for the upcoming big IPOs.”

”On the other hand, even if there are sell-offs, I don’t expect them to be pernicious for the market since prices, at which some of the companies are to float their stock on the market and respectively their market coefficients, make many of the currently traded companies cheap.”

”Despite the contradictory opinions about the prices of the forthcoming market debuts, I expect sell-offs to tempt some players”.

Geno Tonev, Investment Consultant, Yug Market Fund Management AD

“I don’t expect anything significant on the market next week. The last few days showed that free money on the market is waiting for the right time to come into use. These actions were caused by the corporate news about some public companies, and with the nearing deadline for the publishing of the quarterly reports, the intrigue will intensify.”

“Besides data about the public companies, investors will also watch closely the agenda of the regular general meetings in the next couple of weeks, which often produce interesting news.”

”Next week I expect the current moderately positive trading trend to continue, accompanied by low levels and narrow ranges of price movements”.

Nikola Tzokev, Broker in Postbank

“The market continues its fluctuating movement in expectation of the big IPOs in the end of this month. Despite their significant lev positions, institutional investors hold back from serious buys.”

“On the other hand foreign investors sometimes buy stock from positions with higher liquidity and cause transitory price increases. I expect this trend to continue this week”.