Silver-2000 OOD today transferred 30,000 shares of Balkancar-Zarya PLC-Pavlikeni (18.15% of the company’s capital) to the block segment, BSE announced.

The stock was bought by K.V.K. Invest AD at 13.12 leva per share (393,600 leva total).

In the beginning of this year K.V.K. Invest AD increased its stake in Balkancar-Zarya PLC-Pavlikeni to 89.63% through tender offer to the other shareholders in the company. Thus its stake in Balkancar-Zarya expanded to 20.32%, while its indirect holding in the capital was 69.31%.

Balkancar-Zarya’s general shareholders’ meeting is scheduled 1 June. Shareholders are expected to vote a proposal to increase the company’s capital from 165,257 leva to 1,322,056 leva using its own funds. Thus each shareholder will receive 7 new shares of the company.