Energoremont Holding and ET Yordan Mihailov IKO - EN D. Mihailov signed a contract for the mid-stage repair of Unit 2 - Site 1 and 3 of TPP Bobov Dol, the Public Procurement Agency reported on its website.

The total value of the contract with Energoremont Holding is 129,000 leva, and the total value of the contract with ET Yordan Mihailov IKO - EN D. Mihailov is 69,000 leva (VAT not included).

Energoremont Holding AD-Sofia will hold a general shareholders’ meeting on 30 May 2007, which is expected to vote a capital increase from 349,340 leva to 3,842,740 leva using own funds.

The increase will be implemented via the issuance of 3,493,400 new shares with a face value of 1 lev each using funds from the “General (legal) Reserves” fund exceeding the legal amount of 1/10 from the capital - 171,146.94 leva, and 3,322,253.06 leva from “Other Reserves” fund.
The new shares will be distributed between the shareholders in proportion to their interest in the company’s capital - each shareholder will be entitled to 10 new shares for each old share of the capital.

One hour before today’s opening bids/asks were at 512.00/537.00 leva/share.