Zlaten Lev Holdin AD will hold a general meeting of its shareholders on 22 June 2007 which is expected to vote a proposal to authorize the company’s managing board for a period of 5 years to be able to increase its capital via the issuance of new shares to up to 10 mln leva, BSE announced.

Shareholders are also expected to discuss the election of the 5-member Supervisory Board, including Vladimir Ivanov Moskov, Nikola Alexov Zikatanov, Hristo Mihov Pamukchiev, Biser Borisov Parvulov, and Svilen Borisov Parvulov.

The meeting will also vote a proposal to distribute the company’s financial result, including all the profit generated by the company last year amounting to 1,239,000 leva, after the deduction of the legally required reserves amounting to 648,196 leva, to be allocated to dividends of 0.10 leva/share. The rest of the 2006 profit will be allocated to the “Undistributed Profit” fund.

Shareholders are also expected to discuss a proposal to replace its current one-level management system with two-level management system.

In case no quorum is present at the meeting, it is to be rescheduled for 6 July 2007 at 13.00h, same place, same agenda.

The final date for transacting the shares of the company as a result of which the holder will be able to exercise their voting rights at the forthcoming General Meeting is 6 June 2007.

1,450 shares on this position changed hands today at 1.50 leva/share.