In the first possible day the majority shareholder of Eurohold Bulgaria AD – Bulgarian Holding Corporation AD exercised all of its rights (64% of the total number of issued rights) to subscribe new shares from the holding’s capital increase.

During yesterday’s trading session BHC also acquired another 3,214,070 rights it plans to use. More than 70% of the new shares were subscribed yesterday.

Eurohold Bulgaria’s rights will be traded until 28 May 2007. The deadline for subscription of shares from the capital increase expires two days later.

Eurohold Bulgaria plans to increase its capital from 50.002 mln leva to 62.503 mln leva via the issuance of 12.5 mln new common registered paperless shares with a face value of 1 lev each and issue value of 3.35 leva each.

The increase will be made via the issuance of 50.003 mln rights each of them allowing the subscription of 0.25 new shares (4:1). The issue will be traded under BSE code R1EUBG.
A total of 19,840 shares on this position have changed hands so far at 3.35 – 3.38 leva/share.