Mutual fund Status New Shares achieved 77.99% profitability during its very first year of operation. The company became one year old May 22.

The fund manages over 13.483 mln leva owned by more than 200 investors among which natural persons, 15 retirement funds, several banks and mutual funds.

Status New Shares is the first Bulgarian Fund to invest in shares from the region – that is from Bulgaria and other Balkan countries like Romania, Croatia and Serbia. The share of foreign assets in the fund exceeds 58%.

“Our aim is to achieve good diversification so that the fund’s price is less dependent on the movements in markets. This is the reason Status New Shares ranks first in terms of profitability this year with 38.52% just for the first five months. In the same period the company’s assets grew more than 200%,” said Vladislav Panev, chair of the Board of Directors of Status Capital AD, the company managing the fund.

On May 2, the second fund owned by Status Capital AD – Status Finance started operation and it has already turned into the biggest sector fund in Bulgaria with assets worth more than 2.2 mln leva.