The market capitalization of the real estate investment trusts (REITs) listed on BSE grew 64.118 mln leva month-on-month (as of march 20) reaching 619.007 mln leva, statistics showed.

These companies account for 3.41% of BSE’s total market capitalization, which amounted to 18.129 bln leva at yesterday’s closing.

Currently 34 REITs are listed on BSE compared with 43 REITs in the register of the Financial Supervision Commission.

Sopharma Properties is still the only trust with a market capitalization of over 100 mln leva. Second and third in terms of market cap are Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT and Elana Agricultural Land Opportunity Fund REIT. Following its successful capital increase Advance Terrafund REIT made it to the fourth position with a market cap of 61.678 mln leva.

In the end of last week the issue of the newest REIT Alpha Credit was registered on BSE-Sofia . Trade in Exclusive Property, Invest Property, Real Estate Properties Sofia, Puldin Lion Group, Serdika Properties, Solid Invest, Status Estates, Forucom Fund Properties and Hyundai Properties is expected to commence in a few months.

SymbolREITsShare capitalQuoteMarket Cap1SFISopharma Properties 5 850 00017,2100 620 0002BREFBulgarian Real Estate Fund60 450 0001,4587 652 5003ELARGElana Agricultural Land Opportunity Fund 59 715 8851,4585 393 7154ATERAAdvance Terrafund 44 056 0581,461 678 4815FPPFairPlay Properties 50 700 0001,1759 319 0006TBIREPrime Property BG 35 706 5931,556 416 4167BMREITBenchMark23 394 7061,535 092 0598ICPDIntercapital Property Development4 823 6276,8432 993 6089ALPR1Alfa Property 1650 0003925 350 00010ERGC2ERG Capital-23 450 000413 800 000