4 729 rights of Hydraulic Elements and Systems changed hands in 16 transactions on the BSE-Sofia today at prices between 0.998 leva and 1.05 leva.

Today is the second day of trade with the rights after 1.803 mln of them (68.8% of all issued) changed hands on Wednesday at an average of 0.85 leva each.

The company is planning to increase capital from 2.62 mln leva to 3.039 mln leva through the issuance of 419 000 shares with a face value of 1 lev and emisiion value of 19.75 leva each.

It is expected that net revenues from the public offering will amount to 8.148 mln leva after costs.

Rights are traded under the code R1HES and the proportion between issued rights and new shares is 1/0.16.

Hydraulic Elements and Systems AD-Yambol posted net sales revenues in the amount of 17.196 mln leva for the first four months of the year which is an increase of 13.18% compared with the respective period last year (15.193 mln leva).

Net profit for this period amounts to 1.257 mln leva compared with 936 000 towards April 30,2006.

432 shares of Hydraulic Elements and Systems changed hands today at an average of 26.10 leva/share.