Wages in Bulgaria are dramatically low and there is no chance they would level up with the European sooner than in 10 to 15 years, according data released by the annual economic report to Bulgaria's President, Slovene Press Agency reported.

According to data released by the reports, not only is Bulgaria the poorest EU member, but no other country was poorer when entering the EU. Experts say that the long-lasting policy of keeping wages low is disastrous and must be terminated.

The income of a household is presently 77% of the income an average household had in 1991. From 2000 to 2005, the GDP in Bulgaria increased by 30% and incomes have only grown by 10%.

The gap between the poor and the rich in Bulgaria is widening, the reports said. The young and educated will earn more and more while the older and less educated will get increasingly poorer, the reported added.

Moreover, in some twenty years the pension insurance that is paid now will be insufficient. Finally, the reports said that gradually the retirement age will have to be increased.