Indexes moved in opposite directions today – BG40 added 0.17% to 290.50 points and SOFIX lost 0.11% to 1347.41 points. 60 companies traded their stock on positive territory today and 50 on negative.

A new record wes reached on the position of HD Patishta at 11,000 leva. 11 shares changed hands today at an average of 10 645.45 leva or 6.46% up since yesterday.

The stock of Chimimport rose 0.65% to 10.89 leva at a trded volume of 148 268 lots. Meanwhile Sinergon Holding dropped 0.92% to 10.73 leva.

The shares of Polimeri jumped 5.58% to an average of 12.67 leva. 710 shares changed hands on this position.

Today was ex-dividend date for trade with the stock of Odesos Ship Repair Yard AD which added 1.84% to 221.67 leva and 211 lots changed hands today.

A new highest ever price was reached on the position of Yavor AD Varna at 89.47 leva. With 29 shares changing hands today at an average of 87.62 leva the stock jumped 27.32%.

Hidropnevmotehnika AD Kazanlak and Akumplast AD Dobrich dropped 30%. At minor volumes traded the stock of the companies went down to 52.5 leva and 81.9 leva respectively.

BSE-Sofia daily turnover stood at nearly 20 mln leva.