Till the end of March 2007, a total of 161 800 decares of agricultural land have been bought by Elana Agricultural Land Fund REIT at a price under 190 leva per decare (all dues included), according to information the company filed with the BSE-Sofia.

Approximately 214 decares of agricultural land around Sofia were also bought. The company indents to change the land’s statute and to sell it till the end of 2007.

Till the end of March 73 mln leva from the company’s capital was invested in land and the total number of purchased plots is nearly 21 550.

The regional classification of the acquired land is: north-western – 23%, north-central – 41%, north-eastern-21% and soth-eastern-15%.

Last month Global Ratings assigned the following credit ratings to the Fund- For local currency the rating is A+ long-term and a-1 short-term and for foreign currency – A long-term and a-1 short-term.

Today the shares of Elana Fund Agricultural Land REIT rose 2.6 percent to an average of BGN 1.58 per share.