The broad BG40 added 3.31% to end at a record level of 266.95 points today. Indexes rise for the fourth day in a row. SOFIX added 0.38% to 1290.52 points.

BG40’s record was mainly due to the 10.5% gain in the prices of Orgachim’s stock which reached an average of 229.90 leva. And at some point during trading session it hit the record level of 239 leva.

Odessos Shiprepair Yard’s stock gained 4.12% to an average of 189.03 leva. There were transactions at 194 leva/share.

Sinergon Holding’s stock rose 3.87% to 10.47 leva and a total of 11 363 lots traded today.

After yesterday’s announcement that due to investments worth 500 000 leva it is expected that the prime cost of the production of Bulgarian Rose Sevtopolis will go down 10% the company’s stock added 3.1% to 6.33 leva at a traded volume of 1 655 lots.

Fazarales AD Silistra posted a new record at 118.98 leva and the average price grew 13.00% to 113.69 leva/share.

Dekotex AD Sliven also reached a new highest at 3.701 leva and their average added 8.53% to 3.69 leva/share.

The stock of Monbat Industrial Holding Bulgaria slightly fell by 0.1% and 0.12% respectively to 10.39 leva and 8.01 leva. Chimiport lost 0.19% to 10.62 leva at a traded volume of 32 372 lots.

With a traded volume of over 53 000 Eurohold Bulgaria added 0.89% to 3.39 leva. The company’s principal shareholder has used all its rights to subscribe shares from the capital increase.

BSE’s turnover for today was a little over 6.2 mln leva. Of the 118 emissions traded today 63 ended on positive territory and 36 on the negative.