Shareholders in Odesos Ship Repair Yard are to auhorize the Board of Directors to negotiate a deal for the purchase of a floating dock, BSE reports.

The general meeting of shareholders is scheduled 3 August. The investment is worth 22.5 mln leva.

The producor and seller of the facility is the Pallada State Plant in Herson, Ukraine. The construction of the dock will take 20 months and its usability is 50 years.

To finance the deal, Odesos Ship Repair Yard will use 60% of its own funds and 40% on credit. The price includes the dock's transportation from Herson to Varna and its installation on Odesos's aquatory.

Odesos Ship Repair Yard posted a net non-consolidated profit in the amount of 3.743 mln leva for first quarter compared with a negative financial result at 372,000 leva a year ago.

Yesterday was the ex-dividend date for trade with the company's stock. A total of 7.333 mln leva was distributed as dividend for 2006 or 12.50 leva per share.

During the previous trading session the company's stock was traded at levels between 221.00 and 223.98 leva/share.