Nine companies in the business with cereal foods in Bulgaria including Slanchevi Lachi Bulgaria will merge till November, Georgi Kostov, Slantchevi Lachi executive director told

The new company will be called Zarneni Hrani (Cereal Foods) and its capital will stand at 150 mln leva.

At the moment Slanchevi Lachi is building a biodiesel plant in Provadia, the project costs a total of 15 mln euro.

„We are planning to do the first drills in September,“ Kostov also said. The stock of Slanchevi Lachi is among the most liquid emissions on BSE since it was floated on 19 December 2006.

11 deals involving the company's stock have been made so far today on the BSE. 3042 lots changed hands and the daily turnover on the position stands at 21.274 mln leva.

Slanchevi Lachi Bulgaria posted net profit in the amount of 136,000 leva in 1Q and net sales revenues for the period stand at 9.864 mln leva.

Currently on the BSE there is a bid at 5010 leva and no asks.